Related sites:
Obituary of John Simonds, 1929
Obituary of John Hayes Simonds, 1946
Newlands Auction
Sale 1947
Garth Hunt
Garth Point-to-Point
Races 1926
List of Rectors at St.
Bartholomew's, Arborfield
Garden Show 1930
of Newlands Mansion from H A Giles Collection, Reading Local Studies
The 'Reading Standard' of August 15th 1931 published a detailed article
on the 'Three Villages Show' at Arborfield, which will be of particular interest
to family historians.
show was held in the grounds of Newlands, home of
John Hayes Simonds, who
inherited the mansion (seen left) and estate on the death of his 83-year-old
father John Simonds in 1929.
John Hayes Simonds took his second name from his mother, a daughter of the
Rector of Arborfield, Rev. Sir John Warren Hayes, Baronet.
John Hayes Simonds, a director of
Barclays Bank, h ad
married Miss A. R. Sturges of Barkham Square, in 1911. Her father was the leader
of Wokingham Rural District Council and a
supporter of the Garth Hunt, seen on the right
setting off from Barkham Square.
John Hayes Simonds, a major in the Army during the Great War, was well known
as a horseman, and had been involved in the Point-to-Point races at the Remount
Depot for many years. He is seen here in riding gear at one of those meetings.
The Simonds family had long taken a very prominent part in village life, and
donated the land for the Village Hall, opened in 1931. Many of the cottages
around Arborfield Cross were owned by the Newlands Estate.
Newlands Mansion, off the road to Sindlesham, was razed to the ground
following a fire in the early 1970's, and its carefully-manicured grounds have
been completely overgrown, as a recent aerial photograph (courtesy of Google
Earth) shows. The lodge is at the top left of this picture, and the old Poplar tree, which is visible from the road,
is in the middle of the field to the left. The triangle of
now-mature trees marks the former site of the mansion and gardens.
With the Simonds' family's strong involvement in village life, it is not
surprising that they combined their various interests by holding a village show
and gymkhana in the grounds of their mansion, as described below.
The competition results have been formatted to make them easier to read, but they are
otherwise as listed in the newspaper article.

Notable Improvement in Entries and Attendance
After undergoing reorganisation and an alteration of site, the annual
cottagers' flower show for the villages of Newland, Arborfield and Barkham,
which of recent years has not been in too flourishing a condition, received a
new lease of life, and scored a great success when it was held at Newlands,
Arborfield, on Saturday.
The hosts and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes Simonds, helped
considerably in making the function the all-round success that it was, and were
primarily responsible for organising the mounted gymkhana which so greatly added
to the attractiveness of the programme of amusements.

There was a record gate, and hundreds of visitors enjoyed watching various
sports events and touring the show tents, situated on an ideal site, with the
beautiful surroundings of parkland and woods. The traditional English summer
weather unfortunately asserted itself after tea, but the rain did not interfere
with the final events of the sports programme.
The show tents provided much to admire. The entries had increased generally,
and the standard was very good. The judges of horticulture, Messrs. T.
Butcher and W. Chislett, were fully satisfied with the produce, and
judges in other sections were equally favourable in their comments. They were: -
Needlework, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hart; Children's classes, the
Rev. H. R. P. Tringham and Mrs. Simonds; Cakes and confectionery,
Mr. J. Hibberd; Drawing,
Mrs. John Barker and Mrs. Stiles.
There was a large fur and feather section, which attracted over 130 entries
of an excellent standard. The judges, whose opinion was "it was a wonderful show
for the district", were: - Poultry, Messrs. N. C. Lawrence and
F. Wilson;
Rabbits, Mr. G. M. Newland; Pigeons and bantams, Mr. Anthony Houghton. The
bantams were the outstanding class.
Among the exhibits not for competition was a large table cloth worked in
cross-stitch, loaned by Mrs. Streak, who is 82 years of age. Mr. T. H. Windsor
staged an exhibition of honey and honey products, and local schoolchildren had
an extensive show of drawings and handwork.
The president of the society, Mr. E. M. Sturges, and many of the
vice-presidents were among the visitors. The show was run by a hardworking
committee, of which Mr. A. W. Westmoreland was the energetic hon. secretary, and
Mr. Guy Bentley and Miss E. L. Smith the assiduous hon. treasurers.
Mr. N. C.
Lawrence was hon. secretary for the fur and feather section. Mrs. Simonds
received plenty of willing assistance in organising the horse events, the judges
for which were: - Capt. Forrester-Walker, Capt. Dunn, and Mr. Spanton, M. F. H.
(classes 1-5), and Lady Coombe and the Bishop of Kingston for the scarecrow
dressing competition.
There were several sideshows and competitions, and Mrs. H. S. Westmoreland
was responsible for making the costumes and providing the fairings for the
"Walking Pocket Ladies", who were Mrs. A. W. G. Westmoreland,
Miss Romola
Westmoreland and Mrs. Dierdre Ryall. There were also bowling contests for prizes and a
Members of Woodley branch of the British Legion were the victors in the
tug-of-war contest, defeating Newlands in the preliminary round and Wokingham in
the final.
Division A – Open to Cottagers.
Best-kept Garden: |
1 |
T. H. Windsor |
2 |
E. Cordery |
3 |
A. Edwards |
4 |
W. Scott |
5 |
W. Willoughby |
6 |
E. Neville and W. White |
Collection of vegetables: |
1 |
T. H. Windsor |
2 |
W. Scott |
3 |
E. Cordery |
4 |
C. H. Steele |
Broad beans: |
1 |
F. M. Barker |
2 |
A. Edwards |
3 |
E. Cordery |
Dwarf French beans: |
1 |
T. H. Windsor |
2 |
C. H. Steele |
3 |
W. Wheeler |
Runner beans: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
T. H. Windsor |
3 |
W. Streak |
Beet, turnip: |
1 |
R. Middleton |
2 |
W. Scott |
3 |
B. Kent |
Cauliflowers: |
1 |
E. Cordery |
2 |
C. H. Steele |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
Cabbage: |
1 |
B. Kent |
2 |
J. Jewell |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
Carrots: |
1 |
T. W. Windsor |
2 |
W. Scott |
3 |
E. Neville |
Lettuce, cos: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. White |
3 |
A. Edwards |
Do., cabbage: |
1 |
A. Edwards |
2 |
R. Middleton |
3 |
J. Jewell |
Onions: |
1 |
J. Day |
2 |
W. Streak |
3 |
W. White |
Peas: |
1 |
W. J. Verrall |
2 |
W. Scott |
3 |
C. H. Steele |
Potatoes, white kidney: |
1 |
Townsend |
2 |
W. Streak |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
Do., white round: |
1 |
W. Willoughby |
2 |
A. Edwards |
3 |
E. Neville |
Do., coloured: |
1 |
T. H. Windsor |
2 |
W. Streak |
3 |
F. Armstrong |
Radishes: |
1 |
W. White |
2 |
W. Willoughby |
Rhubarb: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Scott |
Shallots: |
1 |
W. Willoughby |
2 |
J. Jewell |
3 |
W. Scott |
Turnips: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
E. Neville |
3 |
E. Cordery |
Vegetable marrow: |
1 |
E. Cordery |
2 |
R. Middleton |
3 |
E. Neville |
Collection of herbs: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Scott |
Garden flowers: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Willoughby |
3 |
E. Cordery |
Roses: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Willoughby |
Pot plants: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
E. Cordery |
Arranged bouquet garden flowers: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. White |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
4 |
J. Jewell |
Sweet peas: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Streak |
3 |
E. Cordery |
Apples: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
E. Cordery |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
Plums: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
E. Cordery |
3 |
R. Middleton |
Gooseberries, white: |
1 |
W. Scott |
2 |
E. Verrall |
3 |
W. Streak |
Do., red: |
1 |
A. Edwards |
2 |
W. White |
3 |
H. Neat |
Fruit dishes: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
A. Edwards |
3 |
W. Scott |
Division B - Cottagers. Winners of more than Two Prizes in Division A
Last Year Barred
Collection of vegetables: |
1 |
W. Streak |
2 |
A. R. Hatcher |
Broad beans: |
1 |
Mrs. A J Bentley |
2 |
W. Townsend |
3 |
W. Wheeler |
Runner beans: |
2 |
W. Wheeler |
Beet: |
1 |
A. R. Hatcher |
2 |
F. Armstrong |
3 |
W. Wheeler |
Cabbage: |
1 |
W. Wheeler |
2 |
F. Armstrong |
3 |
W. J. Verrall |
Lettuce, cos: |
2 |
J. Day |
Onions: |
1 |
W. Streak |
2 |
J. Day |
3 |
F. Armstrong |
Peas: |
1 |
W. J. Verrall |
2 |
A. R. Hatcher |
Potatoes, kidney: |
1 |
W. Townsend |
2 |
F. Armstrong |
3 |
A. R. Hatcher |
Ditto, round: |
1 |
W. Townsend |
2 |
F. Armstrong |
3 |
W. Wheeler |
Shallots: |
1 |
J. Day |
2 |
W. Streak |
3 |
F. Armstrong |
Marrows: |
1 |
W. J. Verrall |
Garden flowers: |
1 |
W. Streak |
2 |
A. Kinch |
3 |
Mrs. Anderson |
Dish of fruit: |
1 |
Mrs. E. Verrall |
Division C - Home Produce
Potatoes, peeled & boiled: |
1 |
Mrs. R. Middleton |
2 |
Mrs. F M Barker |
3 |
Mrs. Jewell |
Milk pudding: |
1 |
Mrs. N. White |
2 |
Mrs. R Middleton |
3 |
Mrs. A J Bentley |
Home-made jams: |
1 |
Miss K. Edwards |
2 |
Mrs. R Middleton |
3 |
Mrs. Scott |
4 |
Mrs. A J Bentley |
Honey in comb: |
1 |
T. W. Windsor |
Extracted or run
honey: |
1 |
T. W. Windsor |
Fruit cake: |
1 |
Mrs. Townsend |
2 |
Mrs. A J Bentley |
3 |
Mrs. Cordery |
Jam tarts: |
1 |
Miss K. Edwards |
2 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
3 |
Miss N. White |
Brown loaf: |
1 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
2 |
Mrs. R Middleton |
3 |
Mrs. Lyford |
Breakfast scones: |
1 |
Mrs. Lyford |
2 |
Mrs. Cordery |
3 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
Eggs, brown: |
1 |
Mrs. Cordery |
2 |
Mrs. R Middleton |
3 |
Mrs. Lyford |
Ditto, white: |
1 |
W. Willoughby |
2 |
Mrs. Cordery |
3 |
Miss K. Edwards |
Home-made cake: |
1 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
2 |
Mrs. Lyford |
3 |
Cordery |
Division D -
Women's cotton
nightdress: |
1 |
Mrs. A. J. Bentley |
Lady's summer
dress: |
1 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
2 |
Mrs. Scott |
Man's cotton shirt: |
1 |
Mrs. R. Middleton |
Hand-knitted socks: |
1 |
Mrs. Scott |
2 |
Mrs. B. Kent |
Cotton overall (school children
only): |
1 |
Kathleen White |
2 |
Eva Middleton |
3 |
Phyllis Windsor |
Largest collection of queen
wasps: |
1 |
E. Middleton |
Girl's cotton nightdress (school
girls only): |
1 |
Dorothy Coombes |
2 |
Peggy Salisbury |
3 |
Dorothy Townsend |
4 |
Nellie Bennett |
Division E - School
Bouquet wild flowers and
grasses: |
1 |
B. M. Gadd |
2 |
Cordery |
3 |
O. Morgan |
4 |
R. Cordery |
Drawing in pen and
ink: |
1 |
H. Woolford |
2 |
John Povey |
3 |
Kenneth Garrett |
4 |
Arthur Cade |
Water colour: |
1 |
Arthur Cade |
2 |
John Povey |
3 |
Walter Davis |
4 |
Willie Brant |
Model in wood or
cardboard: |
1 |
H. Woolford |
2 |
H. Woolford |
3 |
J. Povey |
Model in cane and
seagrass: |
1 |
J. Povey and J.
Salisbury |
2 |
A. Cade |
3 |
J. Povey and J.
Salisbury |
Sweet peas in pot: |
1 |
Leslie Day |
2 |
E. Middleton |
Division F -
Gent's four distinct kinds of
vegetables or flowers or both: |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
W. Scott |
3 |
W. Willoughby |
Ladies' collection cut flowers,
arranged: |
1 |
Mrs. Willoughby |
2 |
Mrs. Hart |
3 |
Scott |
"Smallholder" Special
Prizes |
1 |
C. H. Steele |
2 |
E. Cordery |
3 |
W. Scott |
4 |
W. Willoughby
(certificate) |
Under the management of the Wokingham Fur and Feather Society
Open Classes:
Poultry: |
Rhode Island Red
(female): |
1 |
T. P. Clifford |
2 |
M. D. Heelas |
3 |
M. D. Heelas |
Sussex (female): |
1 |
N. C. Lawrence |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
Wyandotte (female): |
1 |
M. D. Heelas |
2 |
M. D. Heelas |
Leghorn (female): |
1 |
E. Allen |
Any other variety
(female): |
1 |
M. D. Heelas |
2 |
E. Allen |
3 |
F. Giles |
Any other variety
(male): |
1 |
E. Allen |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
3 |
N. C. Lawrence |
Bantams: |
Black Rose Comb
(female): |
1 |
N. C. Lawrence |
2 |
F. Wilson |
Do., (male): |
1 |
F. Wilson |
2 |
W. Berry |
3 |
F. Wilson |
Game (female): |
1 |
E. Allen |
2 |
E. Allen |
Do., (male): |
1 |
N. C. Lawrence |
2 |
F. Wilson |
3 |
E. Allen |
Any other variety
(female): |
1 |
E. Allen |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
3 |
W. Hatwell |
Do., (male): |
1 |
E. Allen |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
3 |
E. Allen |
Rabbits: |
Beveren: |
1 |
C. Bowers |
2 |
C. Bowers |
3 |
C. Bowers |
Havana: |
1 |
G. Brothers |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
Chinchilla: |
1 |
W. Willoughby |
2 |
M. Neville |
Any variety Pairs (under 13
weeks): |
1 |
C. Bowers |
Any other variety: |
1 |
P. Iles |
2 |
F. Wilson |
3 |
G. Brothers |
Pigeons: |
Homer (adult cock): |
1 |
E. H. Butler |
2 |
E. H. Butler |
3 |
Robins and
Beagley |
Do. (hen): |
1 |
E. H. Butler |
2 |
E. H. Butler |
3 |
Robins and
Beagley |
Homer (1931 cock): |
1 |
E. H. Butler |
2 |
Robins and Beagley |
3 |
Robins and
Beagley |
Do. (hen): |
1 |
E. H. Butler |
2 |
Robins and Beagley |
3 |
Robins and
Beagley |
Any variety Fancy
(cock): |
1 |
F. Wilson |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
Do. (hen): |
1 |
F. Wilson |
2 |
N. C. Lawrence |
Cage Birds - Any
variety: |
1 |
A. Willoughby |
2 |
A. Willoughby |
3 |
Simonds |
Cottagers' Section: |
Poultry - Any variety pure-bred
hen or pullet: |
1 |
W. Willoughby |
2 |
E. E. Cordery |
3 |
E. Verrall |
Any variety cross-bred cock or
cockerel: |
1 |
W. Lyford |
Bantams - Any variety hen or
pullet, cock or cockerel: |
1 |
Mrs. Robins |
2 |
W. Willoughby |
3 |
W. Hatwell |
Rabbits - Any variety
Fur: |
1 |
F. Wilson |
2 |
G. Brothers |
Any variety Fancy: |
1 |
G. Brothers |
Pigeons - Homer: |
1 |
Robins and Beagley |
2 |
S. Brothers |
3 |
S. Brothers |
Fancy |
1 |
F. Wilson |
2 |
F. Wilson |
3 |
W. J. Verrall |
Children's Classes |
Any variety Feathered
Pet: |
1 |
Ivy Kinch |
2 |
F. Wilson |
3 |
F. Wilson |
Any variety Fur
Pet: |
1 |
H. Spencer |
2 |
R. Cordery |
3 |
F. Wilson |
Specials: |
Best Bantam in
Show: |
N. C. Lawrence |
Best Pigeon: |
F. Wilson |
Best Pet: |
H. Spencer |
Mounted Gymkhana
Best child's pony, not exceeding
14.2 hands: |
1 |
P. Benson |
2 |
Miss Mary Simonds |
3 |
L. Smith |
Ditto, not exceeding 13.1
hands: |
1 |
Miss Valerie
Gardner |
2 |
Miss V. Green |
3 |
J. Currie |
Jumping: |
1 |
P. Benson |
2 |
S. Beeton |
3 |
H. Smith |
4 |
Miss N. Croker |
Musical chairs: |
1 |
R. Cheriton |
2 |
Miss M. Simonds |
3 |
Master H. Smith |
Button race: |
1 |
Mr. Marks |
Scarecrow dressing
competition: |
1 |
Miss N. Stiles |
2 |
Mrs. Hart |
3 |
Miss E.
Simonds |
With acknowledgements to
Surrey and Berkshire Newspapers Ltd.
to Memories Page
