Local History Society

 A Picnic behind the 'Bramshill Hunt'




This photo, from Alice Allen, shows a picnic along the lane behind the 'Bramshill Hunt' pub, probably around 1911. Wokingham Lane originally passed behind the inn at this point, forming an arc around the south of Arborfield and emerging at Bound Oak on the border with Farley Hill. It is now severed both by Baird Road and by the Garrison Bypass.

The picnic

Nell Clark wrote on the back: 'Alice, Gladys, Blum Laycock, Miss Laycock, Miss Rogers, Miss Pope, 'Me' (Nell Clark aged 11), Guy Bentley, Bob?;
(second line) Nellie Rogers, Margie.

The picture is carefully posed, and there are some wonderful cameos. Here are a few close-ups:

Miss Rogers and Miss Pope

Guy Bentley and Bob


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