Related sites:
Sale of
Outlying Portion of Bearwood Estate, March 1911
Sale of Bearwood Mansion and
surrounding properties, July 1911
Arborfield Remount Depot - Leased in 1904; sold privately to the Army in
The Bearwood Estate
had been put up for auction in 1911. Around half, known as the
'outlying portions',
were parcelled up into 124 Lots and offered for sale over three days in
March 1911, but many failed to sell. The remainder of the Estate surrounding the Mansion and
its ornamental parkland was offered for sale in five large Lots at an
auction in London in July 1911,
but surprisingly, not one of the Lots reached the reserve price and all were
In September 1912, another attempt was made by the
Executors to sell the remaining outlying portions. An advertisement
appeard in the Reading Mercury of 14th September:
Outlying Portions
RESIDENCES (Large and Small),
To be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Town Hall,
Reading, on Thursday and Friday, September 19th and 20th, at 2.30 each
day, in convenient lots.
After listing the agents and the auctioneers, the
advertisement concluded with this Note:
The Vendors are willing to allow two thirds of
the purchase money to remain on Mortgage.
The following map (which can be seen at Reading Local
Studies Library) shows the Lots covering Wokingham Town; click on the
image for a larger version, which reveals that land along Wellington Road
had been sub-divided into separate building plots numbered Lots 44 to 63,
which if sold would have changed the face of Wokingham quite considerably:

The second map shows properties around 'The
Throat' junction of the Finchampstead and Sandhurst Roads south of
Wokingham, again sub-divided into separate building plots numbered Lots 26
- 34:
The Reading Mercury of 21st September recorded the
rather disappointing outcome, at least as far as the Executors were
The depressed condition of the Estate Market, owing to
recent and threatened legislation, and to other causes, was again
evidenced on Thursday and yesterday (Friday) when, by direction of the
executors, outlying portions of the Bear Wood estate in Berkshire and
Hampshire came under the hammer in the Town Hall, Reading.
auctioneers were Messrs. Trollope, of Mount-street, Grosvenor-square,
etc., Mr. H. C. Trollope and Mr. James Baker, of that firm, selling
alternately. The solicitors were Messrs. Cooke, Cooper and Barry, of
Wokingham, and Messrs. Soames, Edwards and Jones, of Lennox-street,
Strand, W.C., these firms being represented respectively by Mr. Barry and
Mr. Edmonds. There was a good and representative attendance at Thursday's
auction, but proceedings were far from spirited.
Mr. Trollope
remarked that for some time past they had been realising a good deal of
the outlying portion of the Bear Wood Estate, and a very considerable
total sum had been obtained; but they wanted to sell more. The reserves on
this week's lots had been modified very considerably as compared with
previous offers, so that it would not be the fault of the vendors if they
did not sell. A further and unusual offer was made on this occasion, viz.,
that two thirds of the purchase money on any lot could be left on mortgage
at 4½ per cent.
The nationalisation [meaning
transfer to the
National Trust?] of the view from the famous
Finchampstead Ridges would soon, they hoped, be accomplished, and
negotiations were now in progress with Water and Gas Companies
to bring supplies to the Ridges, and then on to Crowthorne Village,
and Mr. Walter was prepared to meet the companies on vary
favourable terms; but the reserves had not been increased in consequence
of these projected improvements. Lots 35 and 72 had been sold by private
treaty, and lot 8 (three and a half acres of woodland, to the west of
“North Court”), had been withdrawn. They had had
proposals for a good many other lots, but the vendors, to avoid
disappointment, had decided that the auction should go through in the
usual way.
The lots were then submitted. Lots 1, 2 and 6
were sold to Mr. Denys Egginton (Messrs. Egginton and
Son, auctioneers and valuers, Reading), for one client; lot 4
was knocked down to Mr. Monk Smith; lot 5
to Mr. Reynolds, and lot 32 to
Mr. W. M. Colebrook (Messrs. Colebrook and Co., Reading), the
names of the other purchasers not being divulged. Out of the 33 lots
offered on Thursday, only eight were sold, the total
amount realised by the day's sale being but £2,520.
The lots
disposed of were:- Lot 1, 7a. 0r. 34p., of freehold
accommodation grass land, now let to Mr. F. J. Milam at
£7 10s. per annum - £170, Mr. Egginton. Lot 2,
the freehold residence known as “China Cottage”, Longwater Lane,
near Finchampstead, with capital garden, the whole extending to about 1r.
12p., let to Miss Taylor at £30 per annum - £420,
Mr. Egginton. Lot 4, a pair of superior
cottages on Cricket Hill, Finchampstead, the actual and
apportioned rental being £15 12s. per annum - £320, Mr. Monk Smith.
Lot 5, a pair of freehold cottages adjoining the
foregoing, producing together £13 per annum - £280, Mr. Reynolds.
Lot 6, a pair of freehold cottages, close to the above,
producing a total rental of £18 4s. per annum - £300, Mr. Egginton.
Lot 12, freehold building site of 3a. 3r. 30p., close to
Wellington College Station - £400. Lot 32,
a woodland site of 4a. 0r. 24p., with cottages between Wokingham and
Wellington College Stations, £380, Mr. Colebrook.
The results of yesterday's auction were even more disappointing, only
three lots being actually knocked down out of 35 offered, although the low
reserves, and special conditions, should have tempted investors. The whole
amount realised was £895, but Mr. Trollope announced that
lot 72 – a freehold residence close to Wokingham Station,
let to Mr. A. Andrews, with a small piece of ground, the
whole comprising 4a. 1r. 8p., and producing an actual and estimated rental
of £98 7s. 3d. per annum, had been disposed of privately.
The lots
finding purchasers yesterday were: - Lot 37, a
freehold cottage and garden known as “White Cottage”, Embrook
[sic], with a capital garden, let at 2s. per week, and thus
producing a total rental of £5 4s. per annum, sold at £145. Lot
70, “Bourton”, a freehold semi-detached villa
residence, with stabling, garden, small lawn, &c., let to Mr. E.
A. Ballock at £27 10s. per annum, sold to Mr. J. H. Monk
Smith at £400. Lot 71, An adjoining and
similar residence, with stabling and garden, 0a. 6r. 27p., let to
Mr. J. H. Monk Smith at £28 per annum – Mr. Monk Smith,
£330. Of course the unsold lots are open for private treaty.

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