Related sites:
Bearwood College
Bearwood Canadian Convalescent Hospital
The 'Reading Mercury' on 3rd June 1922 reported extensively on the opening of
the Orphanage at Bearwood as follows: ROYAL
Ninety-five years ago five boys, the orphans of merchant seamen, were placed
in the charge of a Mr. and Mrs. Fisher in a private house in St.
George’s–in-the-East. This proved to be the modest commencement of an
institution which during a century of strenuous life has cared for 2,725
children from all parts of the world, and which at the present time is guarding
the interests of 328 girls and boys in one of the most b eautiful estates in
Berkshire. Such an institution is the Royal Merchant Seamen’s Orphanage, Bear
Wood, Wokingham, and Saturday was a landmark in its history, for then Commodore
the Marquis of Graham, C.B., C.V.O., formally opened these magnificent premises,
acting on behalf of H.R.H. the Duke of York, K.G., who was unable to be present.
The broad features of the orphanage remain the same to this day as were
decided upon at a public meeting held on October 25th, 1827, but
during these 95 years it has passed through many vicissitudes. In 1829, when 11
boys were being provided for, the management decided to enlarge their scope, and
five girls were admitted, but illness of the children and constant expense for
"changes of air" then occupied the minds of the management, and in 1834 both
boys and girls were installed in an old mansion in Bow Road, where the work
continued for 28 years. At the close of that period, 106 children were in
residence. In 1862 another forward step was taken, when the orphanage at
Snaresbrook was opened by Lord John Russell, the foundation-stone having been
laid in the previous year by the late Prince Consort.
During the 60 years of life at Snaresbrook, the great work was carried on in
an unostentatious manner, and year by year improvements were made, mainly by
generosity of such philanthropists as Lady Morrison and Mr. John Harrison Allan,
of Leadenhall Street, and the enterprise and sustained enthusiasm of the
management. Gradually increased brightness and comfort was brought into the
children’s lives, and everything possible was done to remove the stigma which
undoubtedly attached to what used to be contemptuously termed a ‘charity
school’. Intelligent interest in current affairs of the great outside world was
cultivated; cricket, football and sports generally were fostered, and pleasant,
though profitable, occupation was found for the children during their spare
time. Above all, the children were encouraged to take a pride in themselves, and
to feel that, with honesty, industry and legitimate ambition, there was nothing
to prevent them from rising high in the world.
Much invaluable work was done whilst the orphanage was located at
Snaresbrook, but a circumstance which gave grave anxiety to the managing body
arose in later years, when faulty brickwork necessitated reconstruction at a
cost estimated at £4 5,000. They were undismayed, however, and the chairman of
the board (Sir Thomas L. Devitt, Bart.) did not rest until, with the
co-operation of Sir Alfred Yarrow, Bart., he purchased the mansion of Bear Wood,
with its appurtenances and 500 acres of land, and presented it to the
institution in November 1919, as his magnificent gift comprised the mansion
itself, built at a cost of £250,000 by the third Mr. John Walter, of "The
beautifully laid out grounds, a large garden with orchard, artisan’s
workshops, home farm and modern stabling, which has since been converted into a
school hospital.
Great expense was naturally entailed in altering the buildings to make them
suitable, and notwithstanding the generosity of friends of the late Mr. F. W.
Marten, of Lloyd’s – who contributed £10,465 10s. towards the erection of the
"F. W. Marten Memorial Dining Hall" – and of the King George’s Fund for Sailors
and the Baltic and Lloyds’ Ambulance Unit, the sum of £30,000 is still required
to relieve the institution of the incubus of debt still outstanding.
It is a brilliant record that out of nearly 4,000 orphans who have found a
home and preparation for the world within its walls, hardly any have failed in
life. During the war upwards of 700 were commanding and officering merchant
vessels that helped to save the country from famine or worse, whilst some thirty
held commissions in the Royal Navy.
Brilliant weather favoured the ceremony on Saturday, and a large and
representative company assembled at the orphanage to greet the Marquis of
Graham, who was received at the entrance hall by the deputy-chairman (Mr. R. J.
Lesslie), the secretary (Mr. F. W. Rawlinson), and governor (Captain W. J.
Jenks, R.N.R).
The children were lined up on either side of the main drive, and
after the arrival of the Marquis they marched past, headed by the school band,
each section under its own officers. From the miniature drum-major to the
smallest boy and girl the children looked happy, healthy and smart.
After the
march-past the company immediately assembled in the new dining hall, where the
Marquis of Graham was supported by Mr. R. J. Lesslie, Sir Alfred Yarrow, Mr. F.
W. Rawlinson, Mr. A. L. Sturge (chairman of Lloyd’s), Captain W. J. Jenks and
Colonel Leslie Wilson, M.P.
Amongst those present were:
Sir Alan and Lady Anderson, Sir Kenneth and Lady
Anderson, Sir W. S. and Lady Abell, Sir S. and Lady Abram, Sir H. Acton Blake,
Captain Sir de M. and Lady Baysham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burness, the Mayor of
Wokingham, the Mayor of Reading, the Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Bayley, Mr. C. F.
Brightman, the Right Hon. A. and Mrs. Carlisle, Dr. and Mrs. Curl, Captain Sir
A. W. and Lady Clarke, Miss Devitt, Mr. Howson F. and Mrs. Devitt, Mrs. and Miss
A. Devitt, Mr. P. H. and Mrs. Devitt, Miss Florence and Miss M. G. Devitt, Miss
Deacon (head mistress), Mr. and Mrs. Erlebach, Rear-Admiral and Mrs. Eustace,
Mr. W. G. and Mrs. Glover, Mr. I. C. and Mrs. Geddes, Captain H. H. Hooper,
Lieut.-Colonel N. O. and Mrs. Lane, the Rev. R. E. Langdon (chaplain and head
master), the Rev. B. and Mrs. Long, the Rev. N. A. and Mrs Lash, Mr. H. J. Arbon,
the Hon. K. and Mrs. Mackay, Colonel and Mrs. Mackenzie, Mr. G. A. Messenger,
Mr. Walter Morris, Mr. Charles and Mrs. Mansfield, Alderman Sir W. R. and Lady
Pryke, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. Poulton, Miss Ritchie (matron), Major M. H. and
Mrs. Simonds, Mr. T. W. and Mrs. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Herbert Scrutton, Miss Ruth Scrutton, Sir W. H. and Lady Turner, Mr. E.
A. and Mrs. Veale, Colonel and Lady Victoria Villiers, Mr. and Mrs. John Walter,
the Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Walter, Mr. Stephen Walter, Sir E. Shadforth Watts and
Lady Watts, Mrs. Leslie Wilson, Sir J. H. and Lady Wimble, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Lesslie regretted that their chairman (Sir Thomas Lane Devitt) was unable
to be present, and stated that a letter had also been received from the
Treasurer (the Right Hon. Lord Inchcape, of Strathnaver) regretting his
inability to be present. Proceeding, Mr. Lesslie gave details of the events
which led to the acquisition of the Bear Wood Estate, and paid handsome tribute
to the generosity of Sir Thomas Devitt and Sir Alfred Yarrow. He gave details of
the work and careers of past children of the institution, and remarked that at
the close of their education about two-thirds of the boys expressed a desire to
go to sea.
Mr. Rawlinson then read the following letters, which had been received from
the King and Queen Alexandra:-
Buckingham Palace.
I am commanded to convey to the Board of management of the Royal Merchant
Seamen’s Orphanage the expression of the King’s thanks for their kind message to
his Majesty.
On the occasion of the opening of the institution’s new home at Bear Wood
the King congratulates all who are interested in your great national charity
upon the possession of this splendid property, the munificent gift of Sir Thomas
Devitt and Sir Alfred Yarrow.
Ever since the Accession of Queen Victoria the orphanage has been closely
associated with the Royal Family, and his Majesty, now its Patron, does not
forget that for many years he occupied for many years the office of President.
The world-wide work of the institution especially appeals to the
inhabitants of these islands, for it brings within its fostering care the
necessitous orphans of the seamen of our famous British Merchant Service; and
the nation may indeed be proud that during the war upwards of 700 vessels in the
Merchant Service were commanded and officered by those who had been educated and
trained in your orphanage, and also that some 30 others held commissions in the
Royal Navy.
On this important event, which marks a further development in the life of
the Royal Merchant Seamen’s Orphanage, the King assures you of his heartfelt
good wishes, confident that in the future it will uphold that high standard and
great tradition which has characterised the institution for almost a century.
Marlborough House, S.W.1, May 12th, 1922,
Dear Sir, - I have laid your letter of the 10th inst. Before
Queen Alexandra, and am desired by her Majesty to say how greatly interested she
is to know of the acquisition of Bear Wood, Wokingham, for the Royal Merchant
Seamen’s Orphanage, and to hear that the schools there will be opened on May 17th.
Queen Alexandra rejoices to think that as a result of this munificent
gift the far-reaching and beneficent work of the Merchant Seamen’s Orphanage, in
which her Majesty has always felt the keenest sympathy, will be carried on under
such favourable auspices. Her Majesty feels that every effort should be
forthcoming to promote the welfare of the orphans of our splendid men of the
Mercantile Marine, whose services to their King and country, especially during
the Great War, cannot possibly be over-estimated, and her Majesty wishes me to
convey to the management her earnest hopes for the future prosperity of the
institution in its new home.
The record of services of the men trained at your schools who were
engaged during the war, which you are good enough to mention, is, her Majesty
thinks, a most remarkable one, and one of which the Royal Merchant Seamen’s
Orphanage may be justly proud.
I am, dear Sir, Yours faithfully,
(Signed) HENRY STREATFEILD, Colonel, Private Secretary to H.M. Queen Alexandra.
The Marquis of Graham said he was sure that they all appreciated the gracious
messages which they had received from the King and Queen Alexandra, and that
they would give him permission to suggest that they send loyal messages thanking
them for their gracious communications (Applause).
In coming there that beautiful afternoon to see those fine buildings and
pretty grounds, and all those happy children in the march-past, he could not
help feeling that it was a great privilege to everyone to be present. In his
case it was not a privilege, it was an honour he much appreciated.
They knew he was acting as deputy for H.R.H. the Duke of York, who had
written that he deeply regretted that, owing to the pressure on his time, on
account of the arrangements in connection with the forthcoming Royal marriage,
it was necessary for him to cancel an engagement to which he had been looking
forward with much pleasure. He was deeply interested in all that pertained to
the men of the sea and all their children, and wished for the school a very
successful opening and a long and prosperous career. It was, the Marquis
thought, unnecessary for his Royal Highness to assure them of his interest in
the children of the orphanage, because he was interested in the welfare of all
young people in the country. Indeed, the interest of the whole of the Royal
Family was so well known and appreciated that they had secured for themselves a
great and abiding place in the love and affection of the people (Cheers).
He ventured to think that the Duke of York’s visit to the orphanage was only
postponed, and that when he did come he would be assured of a warm welcome
(Cheers). Continuing, he referred to the fine record of the orphanage, whose
history was a record of progress following progress. Many great benefactions had
been received, but the gift of this building and 500 acres of land was so
splendid that he could scarcely find words with which to express his gratitude.
Their best thanks were due to Sir Thomas Devitt and Sir Alfred Yarrow for making
it possible to carry on the work at the institution. (Cheers).
Their names would live in the institution as long as it existed. This was not
a reformatory or an industrial school; it was a home (Hear, hear) – and it was
the ambition of the managing body always to turn out boys and girls to be a
credit to the institution. In the name of his Royal Highness the Duke of York he
declared the orphanage open, and wished it every success and prosperity
Colonel Leslie Wilson, M.P., proposed a vote of thanks to the Marquis of
Graham, and referred to his Lordship’s thorough knowledge and interest in the
sea service.
The vote was seconded by Sir Alfred Yarrow, and carried by acclamation, the
Marquis replying.
Mr. Sturge then formally presented the "F. W. Marten Dining Hall" to the
managers of the orphanage. He referred to Mr. Marten’s great but unobtrusive
work as chairman of Lloyd’s, and the enthusiasm with which members of Lloyd’s
and certain insurance companies welcomed the suggestion of a memorial hall as a
seamen’s orphanage to one whose life was connected with the sea.
The following inscription is placed on the mantelpiece of the hall: "This
hall was presented in memory of Frederick William Marten by his friends at
Lloyd’s, and was dedicated on the 27th day of May, 1922, by his Royal
Highness the Duke of York".
The Marquis of Graham said that he had great pleasure, on behalf of the Duke
of York, in dedicating the F. W. Marten Hall for the use of the Royal Merchant
Seamen’s Orphanage.
After the ceremony the guests were entertained to tea on the lawn, during
which the children gave a very smart display of gymnastics and physical drill.
Graceful national dances were performed by several of the girls and hornpipes by
the boys, followed by school singing.
A special train from London conveyed about 130 guests and a number of
representatives of the Press to Reading, whence they were conveyed in charabancs
and cars to Bear Wood, under excellent arrangements made by Messrs. Skurray, of
Reading, whose businesslike organisation and the excellent appointments of their
cars were favourably commented upon.
With acknowledgements to Berkshire Newspapers
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